How to avoid worrying at night?

Do you lie awake at night, tangled in a web of worries and thoughts? You're not the only one. In our hectic world, sleep quality is hard to find for many, with stress and worry often being the main culprits. But what actually happens in our body and mind that causes stress to lead to insomnia? Read on and learn how to stop worrying at night.

The Creeping Effects of Worrying at Night

Stress activates our bodies in ways that date back to prehistoric times. Our bodies respond to stress as if we are in danger, which can be helpful for a short, acute response, but can be devastating if this state of alert continues. When you worry, your body produces stress hormones such as cortisol, which keep us alert and prevent sleep.

A study from the University of California, Berkeley , found that stress increases activity in areas of the brain responsible for emotion regulation and thought processing, making sleep more difficult. Constant worry activates these brain areas, making falling asleep a challenge.

Worrying at night: Health consequences

The impact of stress on sleep isn't just a nighttime battle. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to serious health problems, including heart disease, obesity, depression and a weakened immune system. According to a study published in the journal Sleep, long-term insomnia can even increase the risk of chronic diseases.

Strategies to Sleep Better

Fortunately, there are ways to break the vicious cycle of stress and sleep deprivation. Here are some effective ways to avoid worrying at night:

  1. Develop a Relaxation Routine Before Bed : Yoga, meditation, or simply reading a book can help calm your mind.

  2. Limit Screen Use Before Sleeping : The blue light from screens can disrupt the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

  3. Stay Active : Regular exercise, especially in the morning or afternoon, can reduce stress and improve sleep quality.

  4. Avoid Caffeine and Heavy Meals in the Evening : These can keep your body active and disrupt sleep. which will make you worry at night.

  5. Take supplements If sleep problems persist, you can use supplements. Metis supplements do not cause habituation and are very effective. These supplements help you fall asleep faster and wake up less often during the night.


Stress and insomnia form a complex relationship where one feeds the other. By becoming aware of these dynamics and taking active steps to manage your stress levels, you can improve the quality of your sleep and contribute to your overall well-being and health. With these tips you can avoid worrying at night.

Pharmacist Dirk
Founder Metis Supplements

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Metis ondersteunt je bij het aanpakken van stress, slaap- en energieklachten met zorgvuldig samengestelde supplementen. Ontwikkeld door Apotheker Dirk in samenwerking met KU Leuven-experts, bundelen we wetenschappelijke kennis en persoonlijke ervaring om effectieve formules te garanderen. Onze producten bevatten hooggedoseerde, natuurlijke ingrediënten die beter opneembaar zijn voor een voelbaar en duurzaam effect.

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