What does menopause do to your body and what can you do about it?

The female body is capable of a lot of change. One of the most impactful changes in the female body is the transition to menopause. Menopause is a natural transition that women usually experience from their mid-forties. It is generally believed that this is caused by a decrease in the ovarian hormone, better known as estrogen. Although menopause and transition are not conditions themselves, they can have a profound effect on your overall health and well-being.

The influence of menopause on your body

One of the most common symptoms of menopause and transition is insomnia. This can be due to fluctuations in hormone levels, but also from hot flashes, night sweats or other physical and emotional changes. Reduced sleep quality can have a significant effect on your energy levels and general well-being throughout the day. Due to the decrease in estrogen and the possible decrease in energy levels, you may notice that you feel tired more quickly or have difficulty concentrating.

Another possible symptom is any changes in the gut bacteria which in turn increases the risk of digestive problems. Many women also report experiencing increased mood swings, feelings of depression or anxiety.

Menopause and transition can also affect your hair and nails. Hair can become dry, brittle and thin, while nails can become weak and more brittle. Due to the decreasing production of estrogen, your skin will produce less collagen itself. This means that your skin will feel less hydrated. Dull and dry skin is also more prone to fine lines and wrinkles.

What can you do about this?

During menopause and transition, such symptoms can have a major impact on your overall health and well-being. However, menopause is a natural process that every woman faces in her life. Unfortunately, the process cannot be avoided.

Fortunately, some lifestyle changes can help to better support your body during menopause. It goes without saying that a healthy lifestyle with sufficient sport, exercise and a healthy diet remains essential. It is best to choose unprocessed food and low-sugar drinks. A regular sleep schedule and avoiding caffeine can improve your sleep quality. Relaxation, yoga or meditation can help support your mental well-being. Taking Biotin, Collagen and Zinc strengthens your hair and nails. Extra probiotics also have an influence on your mood due to the positive influence on your intestines and digestion.

You can also limit the feeling of stress by using herbs/ingredients such as ashwagandha, lemon balm and magnesium. When the effects of stress and menopause take over, Valerian can help you sleep better and ginseng can help against fatigue.

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